How we clone Times Of India in 5 days.

How we clone Times Of India in 5 days.


The Times of India (TOI) is an Indian English-language daily newspaper and digital news media owned and managed by The Times Group. It is the third-largest newspaper in India by circulation. As we know because of easy internet accessibility users are moving on from traditional newspaper reading to digital news which is easy to access and can get updated news on go.

Making the clone apps is not a big deal for one who is constantly learning android at MasaiSchool for 22 weeks, but the edge cases we have to take care of in 5 days are really an appreciatable thing for me and my whole team.

How the journey started

Every team starts with some trouble, we faced the same issue that what we do and how we divide the project so we can complete it quickly and work on some extending features. so all of us installed the original TOI application on our devices and started going screen by screen to explore the app, we have noticed that the original app is looking good with minimal UI design and more functionalities.

Roles and Responsibilities of Team Members

Team Members: Harsh Kamaliya( Me), Rahul Yadav & Pravin Aade. We broke down the App into smaller tasks, and we were working simultaneously on different features. We used to catch up 3–4 times a day to catch up on each other’s progress and help each other with any major problems. We were supposed to use Github as a collaboration tool.


Initially, it was going good but then some obstetrical started to arise both on an individual as well as the technical front. one of the team members has to go to their native place because of lockdown and we were also facing some git-related issues and so not able to implement what we initially thought of. so we change over-focus from building all the functionally to started working on specific functionally because of time constrain.


### Added Features

  • Live Video Streaming From Youtube.

  • Categories Base Searching.

  • Pull Refresh.

  • Infinite Scrolling.

  • Base on user Interest.

  • Token-based transactions for every API calls (using spring-boot)

### Tech Stack Used

  • Android Studio

  • Spring-Boot

  • Kotlin

### Dependencies Used

  • Retrofit (for API calls)

  • Glide (image rendering)

  • GSON (Converting the POJO to JSON)

  • Android Jet-Pack Libraries

  • swipe-refresh layout

  • YouTubePlayer

  • Material Design


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Screenshot Of TOI

  • Launch Screen


  • Navigation Drawer Menu


  • Home Feed Screen


  • Button Navigation and Tab View


  • LiveTV & Trending



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